
3D Plots: 1 AI: 2 ARIMA: 1 AWS: 6 Agile Framework: 1 Amadeus: 1 Anomaly Detection: 1 BI: 1 BSPF: 6 Backtesting: 3 Blue Ocean Strategy: 1 Bootstrap: 3 Business Analysis: 8 Business Scientist: 2 Business Understanding: 13 COVID-19: 1 CRISP-DM: 4 CRM: 1 Case Study: 1 Cheatsheet: 3 Churn: 5 Classification: 1 Code: 1 Community Detection: 3 Consulting: 1 Coronavirus: 1 Course Launch: 2 Customer Analytics: 1 Customer Segmentation: 3 DALEX: 1 DBI: 1 DMAIC: 1 DS4B: 5 DS4B 101-P: 1 DS4B 101-R: 2 DS4B 102-R: 2 DS4B 201-R: 11 DS4B 202-R: 3 DS4B 203-R: 2 Data Mining: 1 Data Science: 33 Data Science For Business: 1 Data Science Team: 1 DataExplorer: 2 Datapasta: 1 Deep Learning: 3 Docker: 4 Drake: 1 EARL: 2 EDA: 1 Education: 1 Employee Attrition: 2 Employee Turnover: 6 Energy: 1 Environmental: 1 Excel: 4 Expected Value: 2 Feature Engineering: 1 Financial Analysis: 1 For-Loop: 1 Forecasting: 2 Framework: 1 GGally: 2 GGplot: 1 Generative AI: 1 Geo Mapping: 1 Getting Started: 1 Git: 3 Google Cloud: 1 H2O: 5 HR 201: 1 HR Analytics: 6 Human Resources: 4 IDE: 1 IML: 1 InfoSec: 1 IoT: 2 K-Means: 1 Kaggle Competitions: 1 Keras: 3 LIME: 1 LLM: 1 Leaflet: 1 Leanr-Finance: 1 Learn Marketing: 1 Learn-Business: 23 Learn-Finance: 18 Learn-Machine-Learning: 40 Learn-Marketing: 17 Learn-Python: 20 Learn-R: 174 Learn-Shiny: 2 Learn-Timeseries: 32 Learning Data Science: 3 Logistic Regression: 1 MBA: 1 Machine Learning: 4 Mage: 1 Marketing: 4 MongoDB: 3 Monte Carlo: 1 Multiple Cores: 2 Neural Network: 1 OpenAI: 1 PCA: 2 PDF: 2 Parallel Processing: 3 Partnerships: 1 People Analytics: 4 PerformanceAnalytics: 3 Predictive Web Apps: 1 Principles By Ray Dalio: 1 Product Backorders: 1 Project Management: 2 Purrr: 1 Py-Tips: 1 Python: 16 Python-Bloggers: 2 Quandl: 2 Quantopian: 1 R: 171 R Studio: 1 R for Business: 3 R-Blogger: 1 R-Bloggers: 170 R-Project: 82 R-Tips: 47 RMarkdown: 3 RSTudio: 1 RStudio: 1 Real Estate: 1 Reports: 1 Rmarkdown: 4 SQL: 2 Sales Analytics: 1 Sales Data Scientist: 1 Salesforce: 1 Scikit-Learn: 2 Scraping: 1 Shiny: 12 Simulation: 1 Stock Analysis: 10 Strategy: 1 SweetViz: 1 TTR: 8 Teams: 4 TensorFlow: 4 Text Analysis: 1 Tidymodels: 1 Tidyverse: 9 Time Series: 7 TimeSeries: 3 Timetk: 1 Trading Algorithms: 1 Trading Strategy: 7 UMAP: 1 Web Applications: 1 Web Scraping: 3 Webscraping: 2 Xaringan: 1 Zipline: 1 alphavantager: 1 anomalize: 4 bikes data set: 4 broom: 2 caret: 1 chatgpt: 7 chattr: 1 correlation: 1 correlationfunnel: 2 corrplot: 1 corrr: 4 cowplot: 1 cranlogs: 4 crosstalk: 1 dalex: 2 data.table: 3 dataframe: 1 datatable: 3 dials: 1 dplyr: 14 dtplyr: 2 dygraphs: 1 easystats: 1 esquisse: 1 excel: 1 explore: 1 flyingfox: 1 forecast: 1 fs: 1 funkyheatmap: 1 furrr: 1 fuzzyjoin: 1 ggalt: 3 ggdist: 1 ggforce: 1 gghalves: 1 ggplot: 12 ggplot2: 17 ggradar: 1 ggstatsplot: 1 gmailr: 1 googlesheets: 1 grafify: 1 gt: 1 gtExtras: 1 gtrendsR: 1 h2o: 11 igraph: 1 iml: 1 infer: 1 iterative forecasting: 1 jsonlite: 1 keras: 4 kmeans: 2 learning-lab: 1 lime: 7 llm: 1 matplotlib: 2 modelStudio: 1 modeltime: 11 modeltime.ensemble: 2 modeltime.h2o: 1 multidplyr: 2 networkD3: 1 numpy: 1 orderSimulatoR: 1 osmdata: 1 padr: 1 pandas: 5 pandas profiling: 1 parallel: 2 parallel processing: 2 parsnip: 3 pdp: 1 performance: 1 plotly: 3 plotnine: 4 plumber: 1 polars: 1 portfoliodown: 2 postman: 1 prcomp: 1 production: 1 purrr: 4 purrr. correlationfunnel: 1 pytimetk: 1 quantmod: 8 r-finance: 1 radar plot: 1 radiant : 1 radix: 1 ranger: 1 rayshader: 1 recipes: 9 reports: 1 reticulate: 6 rsample: 5 rstudioconf: 1 rvest: 6 scikit-learn: 2 seaborn: 2 shiny: 9 shinyMobile: 1 silhouette: 1 siuba: 1 skimr: 6 sklearn: 1 spark: 1 sweep: 3 tabulizer: 2 tibbletime: 8 tidychatmodels: 1 tidyclust: 1 tidygeocoder: 1 tidymodels: 2 tidyquant: 21 tidyr: 5 tidyverse: 29 timekit: 4 timekitr: 1 timeseries: 1 timetk: 18 tune: 1 umap: 1 vip: 1 visualization: 2 workflows: 1 xgboost: 2 xts: 9 yardstick: 5 zillow: 1 zoo: 8

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