R Cheat Sheet: Data Science Workflow with R
Written by Matt Dancho

R Cheat Sheet: R for Data Science
Teaching R is our mission at Business Science University because R is the most efficient language for exploring data, performing business analysis, and applying data science to business to extract ROI for an organization. R has an amazing ecosystem of tools that seemlessly work together, which has been termed the “tidyverse”. The “tidyverse” ecosystem can take business analysis to a new level. Here’s the key: 99.9% of business analysts don’t know R (and its awesome power). With our learning system, you can learn R quickly, setting yourself on a career tragectory in data science.
R is the most efficient language for exploring data, performing business analysis, and applying data science to business to extract ROI for an organization. …you can learn R quickly, setting yourself on a career tragectory in data science.

At Business Science, We are developing a revolutionary new system for teaching Business Analysis with R (Business Analysis with R is a new course we are developing at Business Science University). The system is revolutionary for a number of reasons (we’ll get to these in a minute). The cornerstone of our teaching process is the Data Science with R Workflow that was originally taught by Hadley Wickham and Garrett Grolemund in the the excellent book, R For Data Science. The NEW R Cheat Sheet links the documentation, cheat sheets, and key resources available for every R package in the data science with R workflow into one meta-cheatsheet that illustrates the workflow.
The NEW R Cheat Sheet links the documentation, cheat sheets, and key resources available for every R package in the data science with R workflow into one meta-cheatsheet that illustrates the workflow.
Get The New R Cheat Sheet
Just go to our website, and you’ll see it available under the “Resources” Tab. The NEW R Cheat Sheet with the Data Science Workflow in R is available for download here.

Download the NEW R Cheat Sheet
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How To Use The Cheat Sheet
The NEW R cheat sheet is an amazing reference. It contains every resource you need for referencing the tidyverse documentation in one spot. Let’s take a look.
The Workflow
The first thing you will notice is the workflow that is prominently presented. You can see where the various R Packages are used.

Data Science Workflow
Links To Documentation
Here’s the beauty of the R cheat sheet. With one click, you can easily get to the web documentation for any of the key tidyverse R packages.

One-Click To Documentation
With one click, you can easily get to the web documentation for any of the key tidyverse R packages.
Links To Package Cheat Sheets
Wait, there’s more. By clicking “CS”, you can even get the individual R package cheat sheets. These are PDF documents maintained by RStudio that provide snapshots of the most important functions contained in the package cheat sheets.

One-Click To Package Cheat Sheets
With one click, you can easily get to the web documentation for any of the key tidyverse R packages.
Links To Key Resources
We didn’t stop at documentation and cheat sheets. We also added in important references to get you up to speed quickly.

One-Click To Important References
We didn’t stop at documentation and cheat sheets. We also added in important references to get you up to speed quickly.
R Resources
Our Revolutionary System For Learning R For Business

Are you interested in learning R For Business? Then look no further.
Business Science University has the most advanced, technology intensive, and streamlined data science educational system for business on the planet.
We are developing a NEW INTRODUCTORY COURSE (DS4B 101-R) that delivers an amazing educational experience for learners that want to apply R to business analysis.
The beginner DS4B 101-R is the prequel to the intermediate/advanced DS4B 201-R course
Course Launch Date
Launch is expected at end of November 2018 / Beginning of December 2018. Sign up at Business Science University to get updates.
Course Details

Teaching the Data Science with R Workflow in a 100% business context: data import, data manipulation (business aggregations, time-based calculations, text manipulation, categorical manipulation, and missing data), data visualization, business reporting with RMarkdown
, and advanced analysis including scaling analysis and building functions.
Two state-of-the-art business projects.

Project 1 - Exploratory Analysis of Digital Media Merchant
Why Choose Business Science for Education?
Research: We know how to learn R efficiently and what ingredients create high performance data science teams.
Business Application over Tools: We don’t teach tools. We teach how to solve business problems using tools. There is a key difference. Our approach builds knowledge you can apply immediately.
Learn In Weeks What Takes Years: When you take a Business Science University course, you learn everything needed to solve the business project. You learn from proven frameworks and workflows. We cut out anything that you don’t need to know. This makes our programs the most efficient programs for learning.
If You Can't Wait for 101-R For Business Analysis, Get 201-R For Data Science
Available Now!
To be efficient as a data scientist, you need to learn R. Take the course that has cut data science projects in half (see this testimonial from a leading data science consultant) and has progressed data scientists more than anything they have tried before. Over 10-weeks you learn what it has taken data scientists 10-years to learn:
- Our systematic data science for business framework
- R and H2O for Machine Learning
- How to produce Return-On-Investment from data science
- And much more.
Start Learning Today!