Top 10 R Packages for Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) (Bookmark this!)
Written by Matt Dancho

Hey guys, welcome back to my R-tips newsletter. Today, I’m excited to share with you the Top 10 R Packages for Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA). These packages will help you streamline your data analysis workflow and gain deeper insights into your datasets. Let’s dive in!
Table of Contents
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This Tutorial is Available in Video (12-minutes)
I have a 12-minute video that walks you through these top 10 R packages for EDA and how to use them in R. (These are the ones I use most commonly) 👇
Importance of Exploratory Data Analysis
Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) is a crucial step in any data science project. It helps you understand the underlying structure of your data, identify patterns, detect anomalies, and test hypotheses. EDA enables you to make informed decisions about data cleaning, feature selection, and model selection.
Top 10 R Packages for EDA
To make your EDA process more efficient and insightful, here are the top 10 R packages you should know. Get the R code and dataset so you can follow along here.
Setup the EDA Packages and Dataset in R:
First, make sure you install all of the R packages I’ll be demo-ing today. Then load the data set I’ll be using so you can reproduce the results. Run this code:

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1. skimr: Summary of the Dataset
provides a convenient and elegant summary of your data. Run this code:

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2. psych: Descriptive Statistics
The psych
package offers functions for psychological, psychometric, and personality research, including descriptive statistics. Run this code:

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3. corrplot: Correlation Matrix Visualization
visualizes correlation matrices using various correlation methods. There’s a ton of customizations you can do. Run this code:

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provides advanced charts and statistical functions for financial analysis (I actually use PerformanceAnalytics inside my tidyquant
package for easier financial analysis). But, most people have no idea it has an amazing chart.Correlation()
function that is fast and awesome. Run this code:

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5. GGally: Scatterplot Matrix with Pairwise Relationships
extends ggplot2 by adding several functions to reduce the complexity of combining geometric objects. The ggpairs()
function is one of my favorite functions for assessing Pairwise Relationships. So powerful. Run this code:

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6. DataExplorer: Generate a Full EDA Report
automates the EDA process and generates comprehensive reports. Run this code:

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provides tools to neatly and quickly summarize data. Run this code:

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8. SmartEDA: Generate a Detailed EDA Report in HTML
creates automated EDA reports with detailed analyses. This is a newer package, but already I love it. Run this code:

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9. janitor: Frequency Table for a Categorical Variable
helps with data cleaning tasks, including frequency tables. We’ll use tabyl()
to create a frequency table and the adorn_*
functions to modify the table. Run this code:

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10. inspectdf: Visualize Missing Values in the Dataset
provides tools to visualize data frames, including missing values and correlations. Run this code:

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Bonus: Five (5) Underrated EDA Libraries in R:
I had to call it quits at 10. But here are 4 more up and coming EDA libraries that are underrated:
Radiant: A shiny app for creating reproducible business and data analytics reports. Get my radiant deep dive here.
Correlationfunnel: I use this R package all the time for quick correlation anlaysis and detecting critical relationships. Full Disclosure: I authored this R package. (Get the introduction here.)
GWalkr: Like Tableau in R for $0. Get my GWalkR deep-dive here.
Esquisse: Also like Tableau in R for $0. Get my Esquisse deep-dive here.
Explore: A simple shiny app for quickly exploring data. Get my explore deep-dive here.
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To get access to the full source code for this tutorial, subscribe to the R-Tips Newsletter. This code is available exclusively to subscribers!
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Conclusion: Enhance Your Data Analysis Workflow
By using these top 10 R packages for EDA, you can significantly enhance your exploratory data analysis workflow, gain deeper insights, and make data-driven decisions more effectively.
But there’s more to becoming a data scientist.
If you would like to grow your Business Data Science skills with R, then please read on…
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